As you can see, I am excited about doing Cindy again. Last time we did this benchmark was in the winter sometime, and I almost completed 10 rounds rx'd (was 3 squats shy). I want to get at least ten full rounds in this time!!!
Woo, got two PRs today. We did a heavy 3 of squat cleans (not 3RM), and I did 105# x3. I tried to do 115# just to see if I could clean it, and I did! That's a 10# PR. Granted, I did it only once, but that's a new 1RM for me. On Cindy, I did 11 full rounds rx'd plus five pullups. Woooooo!!! Got a tiny rip in one of my callouses, too. :) I hope we don't do Chelsea during the hottest months like last summer, but chances are, we will. Ugh. That was the only time I ever felt Pukie threatening to pay me a visit! Anyway, the box is closed this weekend for Regionals, so I gotta work hard this week! So far so good! My new class starts, too, so things are going to rev up again. Kinda wish school was out already so I have more free time...ah well--three more weeks after this one!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
San Fran Crippler
Ooooooiiiee, this brought back memories of the blazing June heat at a nooner last summer. We had a huge group then and went in at least four or five heats. So fun! This time around, I used 115# instead of 95#, and I finished in 7:37. Not sure what my time was last time, though, unfortunately. Either way, I back-squatted about 85% of my bodyweight 30 times, followed by a 1000m row, so it was a freaking good WOD. Can't wait for Saturday--game night and getting Phoenix to take the plunge! ;)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Interval Helen
Well, I got a B+ in my class. I have to say, though, I'm quite surprised that I earned a higher score on my final paper than I'd anticipated! If I can buckle down and get all A's in the rest of my classes, I'll be okay.
WOD today was great: We worked up to a heavy power snatch + 3 OHS. I stopped at 80# since I was really wobbly on the OHS. Bah, I hate those things. I need to work on them. :/ The met-con was interval Helen, which I did rx'd (35# KB and kipping pullups). I shaved about two minutes off my best regular Helen time, too, at 11:40. Sweet. The 400m runs weren't too bad, but I hated those KB swings. After so many, you can't really feel your forearms or grip the pullup bar too well. Fun! Overall, a good day at the box. The weather was really hot until about ten minutes before 5, so we got perfect weather for our workout.
WOD today was great: We worked up to a heavy power snatch + 3 OHS. I stopped at 80# since I was really wobbly on the OHS. Bah, I hate those things. I need to work on them. :/ The met-con was interval Helen, which I did rx'd (35# KB and kipping pullups). I shaved about two minutes off my best regular Helen time, too, at 11:40. Sweet. The 400m runs weren't too bad, but I hated those KB swings. After so many, you can't really feel your forearms or grip the pullup bar too well. Fun! Overall, a good day at the box. The weather was really hot until about ten minutes before 5, so we got perfect weather for our workout.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Back to it
Had to miss everyday at the box except Monday and Friday. Ugh! This past grad course I just finished last week was a killer. I don't understand how the professor "taught" this class but had the academic coach grade everything. The coach was super picky, too, so I'll be astounded if I get a B. There goes my 4.0. :( Oh well, spilt milk.
Friday's WOD: banded DL--we used orange bands (grey for guys) and worked on our form, keeping it nice and controlled on lowering the bar. I worked up to just 85# as I was feeling super lightheaded. The met-con was a classic: 10 rounds AQAP of 10 pullups and 10 ring dips. The last time we did this one, it was in May and I used a blue band on both movements. This time, I did kipping pulls and did parallette dips with a medium box. Whew the dips really get you after a few rounds!!! I had to scale my pullups after the first four rounds to 7 because I wouldn't make the 15 min. cut-off otherwise (plus the coach told us to do that). Next time, I'll do all my reps and ring dips. I can do two or three dips in a row unassisted, but if I use a band, I get a major foot cramp, every time. I remember getting one in both feet last time I did this WOD. Sandy counted for me, and she was awesome about keeping me honest on ROM. I sure miss her!!!
Saturday WOD: These past few Saturday workouts have broken me OFF! Last week was a killer chipper, and I didn't make the cut-off but finished it out. Today's was no better: 5 rounds AQAP of 10 burpees (See, Amy? Worst luck ever!!), 30 jumping pullups (those totally winded me), and 15 db thrusters (I used 20# db's). Cut-off time was 20 minutes, and I finished in 18:40. It was super humid in the box today, and I regretted wearing a bra top; otherwise, I would RS'd it!! I really like that the coaches make the Saturday WOD so tough, though. Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean we should take it easy! :)
Time to get groceries, get my hair cut (it's been three months!!!! Had to pay double rent for a month and a half, so that'll do it), and unpack some more. I'm so happy to be done with my class and have the next week off. Whew!!!! Oh, another update: the district is closing my school and turning it into an over-age middle school (i.e., 12- and 13-year-old 7th and 8th graders). There are 1200 over-age middle schoolers in this district, so I can understand why they're doing that. But, the teachers at my school are being displaced, so while we are guaranteed to have a job for next fall, the where is not certain. DISD is also opening an over-age high school, Dallas Horizon Academic Center, which is going to be pretty much a replica of my current school. I'm really interested in teaching there, plus I really like the alternative setting. I'm hoping to get an interview this upcoming week and know what's in store! Also, I see this event as a house-cleaning of sorts because the number of incompetent/lazy/unqualified/apathetic personnel at the school that's closing was bringing the rest of us and the school down. Good riddance!!!! Will keep y'all updated...
Friday's WOD: banded DL--we used orange bands (grey for guys) and worked on our form, keeping it nice and controlled on lowering the bar. I worked up to just 85# as I was feeling super lightheaded. The met-con was a classic: 10 rounds AQAP of 10 pullups and 10 ring dips. The last time we did this one, it was in May and I used a blue band on both movements. This time, I did kipping pulls and did parallette dips with a medium box. Whew the dips really get you after a few rounds!!! I had to scale my pullups after the first four rounds to 7 because I wouldn't make the 15 min. cut-off otherwise (plus the coach told us to do that). Next time, I'll do all my reps and ring dips. I can do two or three dips in a row unassisted, but if I use a band, I get a major foot cramp, every time. I remember getting one in both feet last time I did this WOD. Sandy counted for me, and she was awesome about keeping me honest on ROM. I sure miss her!!!
Saturday WOD: These past few Saturday workouts have broken me OFF! Last week was a killer chipper, and I didn't make the cut-off but finished it out. Today's was no better: 5 rounds AQAP of 10 burpees (See, Amy? Worst luck ever!!), 30 jumping pullups (those totally winded me), and 15 db thrusters (I used 20# db's). Cut-off time was 20 minutes, and I finished in 18:40. It was super humid in the box today, and I regretted wearing a bra top; otherwise, I would RS'd it!! I really like that the coaches make the Saturday WOD so tough, though. Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean we should take it easy! :)
Time to get groceries, get my hair cut (it's been three months!!!! Had to pay double rent for a month and a half, so that'll do it), and unpack some more. I'm so happy to be done with my class and have the next week off. Whew!!!! Oh, another update: the district is closing my school and turning it into an over-age middle school (i.e., 12- and 13-year-old 7th and 8th graders). There are 1200 over-age middle schoolers in this district, so I can understand why they're doing that. But, the teachers at my school are being displaced, so while we are guaranteed to have a job for next fall, the where is not certain. DISD is also opening an over-age high school, Dallas Horizon Academic Center, which is going to be pretty much a replica of my current school. I'm really interested in teaching there, plus I really like the alternative setting. I'm hoping to get an interview this upcoming week and know what's in store! Also, I see this event as a house-cleaning of sorts because the number of incompetent/lazy/unqualified/apathetic personnel at the school that's closing was bringing the rest of us and the school down. Good riddance!!!! Will keep y'all updated...
Friday, May 7, 2010

Finally PR'd on jerk today--25# in fact! Got 130, which is 2 #s from my bodyweight. I credit Mel for that PR, too--she gave me that number before I started, and I just didn't want to disappoint her. I've always been about avoiding disappointing my friends and family. When I was in grade school, I worried more about looking bad in front of my teachers than in front of my mom. Though, that's not to say I don't get pissed at myself if I miss a PR or old benchmark. I failed at 135--got scared and didn't even attempt jerking it. Bleh! But I am quite happy with this PR, for sure.
Met-con was 7 rounds AQAP of 3 muscle-ups (I have progressions down but no jumping yet--next on the list; subbed 7 C2B pull-ups, which I can finally do without a band now) and 7 power cleans @ 85# (rx'd). Oops, just realized I did it in reversed order--I did the cleans first. :/ Everyone else worked with partners, but Barbie couldn't use that much weight, so I used my own bar. Ah well! Finished in 14:17 and got a nice rip in a new place--outer part of my ring finger. Tore my palm on Monday on the burpee pull-ups. I read Eric's comment about how to avoid tearing on kipping pulls, but I will need to really practice to do it the way he suggested. In the meantime, I'm just happy to be able to do them during WOD's now and to have C2Bs.
Diet has been mostly good (Paleo) but sometimes a girl just has to have her Nutty Bars!!! I was jonesing for them really bad last night so walked to Kroger for some--oh yeah, we moved to the Phoenix and absolutely lovelovelove it here!!!!! I'll try to post a pic of the bar stools my brother and his wifey sent as a housewarming gift. Castor wondered what the heck I was doing (he was eating his dinner). :)
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