I need a plan to get me going on these lesson plans and FINAL graduate course assignments. I do have two more days left of "break" before I return to work full-time (no kiddos, just on-campus training and teacher prep days) and start my class, but I feel like I need to be getting my tush in gear for the crazy next two months. But I can't get myself going! I think I'm making myself wait to see if Kason returns this weekend. Either he comes back or finishes his OCS training all the way to October. I feel like I "can't" decide my next move until I know exactly when he'll be back with me. :/
Well, I finally got my Implanon inserted yesterday morning. Truth be told, I did feel a bit anxious lying there with my arm in position. But my doctor is an expert at using needles and scalpels without causing pain or discomfort--didn't feel a thing!! The only pain I felt was the nervous energy in my stomach before the actual procedure, the not knowing. But even the prick of the needle that delivered the lidocaine was nothing. Getting my blood drawn imparts much more discernible sensations. Then my doc made a small incision to facilitate the insertion, and she was finished with everything before I knew it. There was an intern who came in to observe the procedure, and I guess it was too much for her, poor thing. She had to leave the room! I'll admit--when I watched a YouTube vid of the process, I did feel a bit squeamish. I kept my eyes glued to the ceiling when I actually had it done--that definitely helped. The doc made a compression wrap for my arm, which looked pretty bad-ass! :) But it started itching by night time, so I was happy to be able to remove it this morning. I get to take the bandaid off tomorrow morning--kinda curious to see what it'll look like under there! I have an interesting bruise at the site where the front end of the rod was inserted. Amy, what's the reason behind it? :) Anyway, I'm totally happy that I don't have to take a pill everyday anymore, and I just have to get this little guy replaced every three years. I don't like to think about the removal procedure though...lots of possible complications, including scar tissue and the like. But I'll worry about that in 2013. :) I have to wait until Monday to workout (no dirt or sweat allowed--Staph is no fun!), and then I have to wait a week before I can do anything involving arms. I foresee lots of running, air squatting, and situp-ing in my future! Not too bummed about that, though--I got a 10# PR on clean and 5# PR on jerk on Wednesday: 125# clean; 135# jerk. :D I could do only 35 pullups (5 unbroken at a time) in 2 minutes, though, but that's my usual Tabata number, so I guess that makes sense.
Going to be a fun day tomorrow--going to the Dallas Convention Center to witness some CF greatness at a friendly competition, as well as live MMA fights (woohoo!!!). Okay, I'm motivated to go clean now, especially if Kason returns this weekend.