Finally PR'd on jerk today--25# in fact! Got 130, which is 2 #s from my bodyweight. I credit Mel for that PR, too--she gave me that number before I started, and I just didn't want to disappoint her. I've always been about avoiding disappointing my friends and family. When I was in grade school, I worried more about looking bad in front of my teachers than in front of my mom. Though, that's not to say I don't get pissed at myself if I miss a PR or old benchmark. I failed at 135--got scared and didn't even attempt jerking it. Bleh! But I am quite happy with this PR, for sure.
Met-con was 7 rounds AQAP of 3 muscle-ups (I have progressions down but no jumping yet--next on the list; subbed 7 C2B pull-ups, which I can finally do without a band now) and 7 power cleans @ 85# (rx'd). Oops, just realized I did it in reversed order--I did the cleans first. :/ Everyone else worked with partners, but Barbie couldn't use that much weight, so I used my own bar. Ah well! Finished in 14:17 and got a nice rip in a new place--outer part of my ring finger. Tore my palm on Monday on the burpee pull-ups. I read Eric's comment about how to avoid tearing on kipping pulls, but I will need to really practice to do it the way he suggested. In the meantime, I'm just happy to be able to do them during WOD's now and to have C2Bs.
Diet has been mostly good (Paleo) but sometimes a girl just has to have her Nutty Bars!!! I was jonesing for them really bad last night so walked to Kroger for some--oh yeah, we moved to the Phoenix and absolutely lovelovelove it here!!!!! I'll try to post a pic of the bar stools my brother and his wifey sent as a housewarming gift. Castor wondered what the heck I was doing (he was eating his dinner). :)
CONGRATS on the PR and C2B! You are such a rock star! I am excited to see your place! Nice bar stools too! All this talk about moving is making me want to move and start something new! I should start working on that....
ReplyDeleteThanks, Amy! I was quite surprised, actually because I'd had to take so much time off. I guess I did need that break. You should move to Dallas! :)
ReplyDeleteYeah. Breaks can be great motivational tools! Hmm...move to Dallas. That's a concept. But don't know if Phoenix would go for that. He wants to move closer to his work. You could try to work on him for game night...