Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jason 2

Sounds like a cheesy horror sequel, doesn't it? Well, it was horrible, but in a different way.

I did this hero WOD last year shortly after I joined CFDC. I remember it sucking then (mostly all the dips), and it sure sucked the second time around. I'm wondering if it would have felt as bad if I'd done it at noon (missed my regular WOD time reeeeeally badly today!!!). Haha, now I'm just making excuses, right?

We started off with five sets of a heavy 3 on jerk. I got up to 115 but just couldn't get my head through/elbows locked out on that third rep. So my heavy 3 is 105: not complaining but still should have gotten that last jerk at 115, I think.

During Jason, I had to just focus on counting all the squats. I did sets of 25 on the first 100; did my 10 pull-ups/10 GHD box dips; and then I did sets of 10-15 for the remaining rounds of squats. The squats really weren't too bad, but my legs are still shaky, as are my shoulders and arms. 100 total pull-ups and GHD dips will do that to you!! I finished in 21:43, which was over the 20-minute cut-off, but Sam gave us 25 minutes to finish. The pull-ups were what held me back. I did my first set unbroken with no problem, and then I broke up the 20-30-40 sets into fives--I did five pull-ups followed by five dips. Just couldn't keep my grip for some reason. Anyway, I know I did loads better this time around, but it still sucked! Glad that's over, and now it's time to shower and get back to my work. Wonder what tomorrow's pain is going to be (I'm hitting up the noon for sure!! Can't take the evening heat, bleh!).

Looked at my old time back in April (it was the first month I'd joined CF, too! Thanks, Jamie, for telling us when we last did it), and I finished in 22:50, but I didn't specify whether I did the 3:1 ratio as noted on the blog or 1:1 like I noticed others doing...Since I didn't even have pull-ups yet, I would deduce that I did it 1:1. If that's the case, then I'm happy with how I did today! Also, back in the day, we didn't do a strength WOD before doing a met-con, and that day, all we did was "Jason", so now I'm doubly happy! :)


  1. Wow, you did awesome! We were allowed 30 minutes and I still didn't finish!

    I have to go to the 8:30 tomorrow because I have a dentist appointment, so I won't see you at noon, unfortunately. :(

  2. Aww, ewww the dentist! I really don't know why, but I always dread going to the dentist. I think it's the smell. I hate how the office smells...

    Thanks, Jamie! It felt awful! But you still finished it out even so--that's awesome.

    Well, I've been talked into going to the 6 with Carin, so I won't be at the noon either. But this will give me more time to work tonight and sleep a bit more tomorrow morning. It all works out. :)
