Thursday, July 1, 2010

PR wooo

Was lazy on Monday after getting back from OH, so I skipped that WOD, plus the thought of all that running in Texas heat made me feel sick.

Friday "hotel" WOD at my mom's house: 5 rds of 10 each of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats; I finished in about 6 minutes (I was on a Lady Gaga kick all last week, so I used her songs to time and motivate myself).

Tuesday: Heavy single of power clean--I failed on 121# (used kg plates) but got 115# (PR). Mel was awesome and watched me and coached me. I need to work on the drop--I don't drop fast enough. Then we did the Secret Service Snatch Test, which of course left my wrists super tight and bruised. Serves me right for not snatching correctly, eh? Got 114 reps in with 26# KB--last time we did this, it was back in December, and 26# was rx'd for girls. Weird that it was 35# this time! I didn't do as well this time. :( Got in over 130 reps last time, but I think I did the movement correctly that time unlike this go.

Wednesday: "The Drill" which was 8 sets of a complex: power snatch + OHS + hang snatch + snatch--all without regripping the bar between movements. I worked up to 70# but got stuck on the hang snatch and so finished out the last 3 rounds at 65#. Not too upset about it, though--it was really good practice. We were supposed to do 10 100m sprints, but since it was pooouring down rain and storming, Sam had us do Tabata front squats with rest in the rack position. Man did those suck! Girls were to use just 45#, but after resting in rack position, I was fighting by the third round! My lowest rep count was 6 (ugh!!!). Sweat was dripping into my eyes because the coaches closed the gym doors when it started pouring, so the box was a sauna. I was more focused on avoiding getting sweat-burn in my eyes! Erin counted for me and pushed me--she kicked butt! She was very consistent with 11-12 reps per round. As a final activity, we did various plank holds--front, both sides, and Superman. It was a great workout, but I would have preferred sprinting in the rain over those front squats!

Thursday: Made up Monday's WOD with Erin, and wooow I'm glad I waited!
Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 with C2B pull-ups between sets: I worked up to 64 kg (we used the middle room since the racks were already set up), which is 140.8# and a PR. Sure felt heavy, especially after yesterday's Tabata front squats with rest in the rack position. I did five C2B pull-ups after the first 10 threatened to rip my hands, and since I'm doing Murph on Saturday, I wanted to play it conservative. Then we did the met-con: 4 rounds of 400m run, 20 GHD situps and 20 GHD back extensions. Took me 14:21, which I was happy with since my goal was to finish in under 15 min. That third round of GHD situps was the toughest--I couldn't get my breathing right. Glad I made that WOD up, though! I hope we do Michael sometime, and I'd like to do it rx'd (no scaling reps). I did a scaled version with Carin a while back, and we wore a weight vest for the 800m runs and scaled the situps and back extensions to 25 reps each instead of doing 50 each. Fun times!

We're going to the Rangers vs. White Sox game tomorrow evening, and then Saturday is Murph Day! Woohoooo! My goal is to finish in under 61 minutes and to do it rx'd until I crap out on push-ups and have to go to knees. I did it with all knee push-ups last time. The coaches scheduled the first-time Murph (for CFDC) go the Sunday right after Thanksgiving, so that was an awesome way to kick-start our return to healthier habits. LOL!

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