Monday, May 17, 2010

Interval Helen

Well, I got a B+ in my class. I have to say, though, I'm quite surprised that I earned a higher score on my final paper than I'd anticipated! If I can buckle down and get all A's in the rest of my classes, I'll be okay.

WOD today was great: We worked up to a heavy power snatch + 3 OHS. I stopped at 80# since I was really wobbly on the OHS. Bah, I hate those things. I need to work on them. :/ The met-con was interval Helen, which I did rx'd (35# KB and kipping pullups). I shaved about two minutes off my best regular Helen time, too, at 11:40. Sweet. The 400m runs weren't too bad, but I hated those KB swings. After so many, you can't really feel your forearms or grip the pullup bar too well. Fun! Overall, a good day at the box. The weather was really hot until about ten minutes before 5, so we got perfect weather for our workout.


  1. I hate the whole plus-minus system. It's pointless. Oh well...schools don't ask me for my opinion.

    Great job on Helen! She is a beast that I wouldn't mind trying again!
