Friday, June 19, 2009

It's going to be okay.

I absolutely LOVE CrossFit. If CF was a man, I'd marry it. I am so elated! Went to the doctor today and had blood work and annual exam done. My resting heart rate is 55--it's usually in the 60s. My blood pressure was a bit higher than the normal 110/70, but I suppose that'd due to the intense workouts I've been doing these past two months. I'm getting a liver panel done to make sure it's functioning well and all's okay with it, but after reading the blog today, I'm a bit worried. I tried to explain CF to my doc, but she seemed quite clueless. We'll see. I'm anxious to see how my cholesterol levels are, if they've improved. I have a propensity for high HDLs, and even though my LDLs are low, the HDLs usually make my total number higher than it's supposed to be (over 200). Last time I had it done, my cholesterol was 173, my HDLs were 82, and my LDLs were 64 (ick). My glucose was 85. I'm very interested to see how my numbers turn out this time around! I've lost six pounds since starting CF, and I love how the doctor told me I'm looking good. :) I'd complained to her last year at my last exam how I wanted to lose weight and stuff, and she tried to tell me my options. If only she had said, "CrossFit." LOL Anyway, that made my day. However, my car needs a new timing belt, so low blow to my wallet. Argh! But my future mother-in-law (I kid!) is paying for us to fly out to see Kason graduate from Army Basic Training next month. I cannot WAIT!!!!!!!!!!

I called Dr. Beebe's office to see if I should postpone my LASIK consultation appt., and Shelly told me to come in anyway because the doctor can still determine whether I'm a candidate or not. She also said that I can still use the coupon toward my procedure when I get it done, so I'm excited about that! I love this practice already. The coordinators have been professional, organized, and actually remember me after just a few phone conversations! I can't wait to meet Dr. Beebe and see what he says about my eyes and whether or not I can schedule the surgery. There's a chance that I might have to wait longer since the past infections have caused pressure that has changed the shape of my cornea, but I'm optimistic. If this turns out to be the case, no big deal. I will have LASIK one day soon!

Stoked to finally indulge my Kozy fix and see Food, Inc. tonight.


  1. Alright girls...where is the review for Food Inc?

  2. Sorry, Amy--I was stupid and had wine when I'm on an antibiotic, so I got really sick and poor Sandy had to take me to the hospital. :( I'm okay now, but at the time, I was quite scared. I don't know what I would have done without Sandy--she's like a guardian angel. I'm blessed to know her!

    The movie was disturbing and upsetting, particularly because you see the usual story of the big, soulless corporations bullying and cheating the poor, little farmers. This one chicken farmer who agreed to talk for the movie and show the conditions in which the chickens are kept was basically fired for not complying with "company rules" and making her chickens stay in a windowless, perpetually dark building (the norm for this particular company's production procedures--the chickens never see the light of day or get any fresh air). It's disgusting how powerful these food corporations are! I will not buy anything Tyson, Cargill, or the other big companies that lord over food production. There was a little snippet about how tomatoes are artificially ripened with chemicals during off-season, but I already knew about that. The hopeful part of the movie documented a farmer who grows free-range animals and processes (butchers) them on-site instead of sending them to a processing plant. The animals eat what they're meant to eat (quality grass and legumes for the cattle, natural diet for the pigs, no antibiotics or animal products, etc.), they roam and forage like they are meant to do, and the butchering is done by a small group of helpers instead of a whole big assembly line in dangerous, unsanitary conditions. I would recommend you see it AFTER you have eaten, though. :)
