Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The big day!

After a rather anxious morning, I finally had my LASIK surgery a bit behind schedule. It seems Dr. Beebe was a very busy doctor today! He had several patients before me and even a few after me. I didn't mind waiting, though. Erica kept me entertained, plus the Valium made me a bit tipsy. :)

Actual procedure was very trippy. I think the worse part for me was when Dr. B put the conical thingy in my eye to hold my eyeball still. That didn't feel too good, and I could feel the edges of it digging into my eye. The technician was so awesome, though, and kept reassuring me throughout the first part (corneal flap) that the noises and sights were normal and told me how much time I had left. She told me 18 seconds, not 20 like she told Sandy! Anyway, the actual corneal flap procedure wasn't too bad--I did find it trippy to see little psychedelic swirlies and things like that while it was being done. I never saw pitch black during the whole process, which was nice. Then the tape he used to tape my eyelids open kinda stung when he took it off, but it wasn't anything unmanageable. The second part was trippy, too! But Dr. B was good about telling me how much longer he was going to shoot the laser and he kept saying I was the perfect patient. :) It was weird--the Valium made me feel loopy, but once I was in that room and in the chair, I didn't feel that way anymore. It was nerve-wracking, and I almost reached up to hold the technician's hand a few times during the corneal flap part. Haha! I held my breath during the second part so I wouldn't smell it, but I did get a few whiffs afterward. Not too bad...it reminded me a bit of how it smells when the dentist drills a cavity.

The worst part of the whole experience was being home and trying to sleep. My eyes really burned, and I thought a few times of getting up to take an Aleve, but I didn't want to open my eyes, so I lay there for at least an hour and a half with my eyes closed, trying to go to sleep. I finally did, and SOMEONE called me!!! I should have put my phone on vibrate, but yeah, my nap was interrupted by someone calling me. Grrrrrr. Anyway, I went back to sleep and slept until almost 7. I got home from the office at 3:20, probably fell asleep close to 5, but my eyes were closed the majority of that time, so I got in a good two to three and a half hours of shut-eye. Both of those drops taste AWFUL! Ick!! I hate that bitter taste, but it's only for several days, so I can manage. I suppose I should think about eating something, although I'm not hungry. Last time I ate was at 12:30--half an apple with almond butter. I have to finish and submit this assignment before I go back to bed, so I'm off to do that. Hopefully the doctor gives me a good report tomorrow when I go in for post-op. Hooray for LASIK!


  1. Yay for new eyes and no more glasses!!!!!!!!

    Glad things went smoothly! Definitely a little weird of a process, but so worth it!!

  2. Thanks, Sandy! :) Did your eyes burn and feel this icky after yours? I HATE HATE HATE those eye drops!! The white ones they gave me today are even worse tasting than the Zymar! And it stings. :( Hehe, I'm being a big baby. I should just suck it up, right? It's just uncomfortable, but then again, I had my corneas cut up, parts of my eye lasered off, and my eyeballs manipulated. Of course they feel crappy!

  3. Glad that your surgery went well! Hopefully one day, I will get it!

  4. It's definitely worth the discomfort, Amy! My eyes feel pretty good today, although they make me look like I was in a fight LOL! I'm going to run some errands today, and I'm sure I'll get some wary glances hehe. :)

  5. Congratulations! So glad the procedure went well. Hope your eyes feel better soon!

  6. I want to get it done, but my ophthamologist recommends that I wait until my eyes quit changing and stay stable to at least 2 years. After talking to some of the ER doctors, I agree. Since I am so *young* (I really hate saying that because it kinda annoys me when everyone else says it) my eyes are still changing, and they should be a stable place before someone goes cutting on my eyes.

  7. Yep, that's what I had to wait for, too. But it's definitely worth the wait. :) 20/15 vision is most definitely worth the wait!! Hey what's your last name? I'm trying to add you to my phone.
