Monday, July 13, 2009

Last WOD before LASIK

Well, the day is almost here! I am both looking forward to and dreading this WOD today. First of all, it's supposed to be 104 degrees, plus there is a heat advisory. should be interesting to say the least. I'm hoping the nooner is big enough that there are partners for everyone.

With a partner, complete 3 rounds for time of:

400m Run
Max attempt at burpees
20 Thrusters 95/65

As a team, run the 400m together. When the team comes in, Partner A does as many burpees as possible while Partner B completes 20 thrusters. When partner B is finished with thrusters, the athletes switch exercises. The teams MUST remain together during every run.

I partnered with Jamie, who really pushed me through that last run. Wow, this was a brutal WOD, plus the heat about made me croak. When you run by those parked cars in the street, the heat emanating off of them really makes itself known. Jamie said the mail carrier told us to "be careful" when we ran by her. I was too much in a daze of pain and exhaustion that I didn't hear her. I was huffing and puffing the whole way--must have sounded like an old lady, all the noises I made trying to keep pace with Jamie. We used 40# on the thrusters and got in 85 burpees total. I did 45, and she did 40. I think we were matched very well. We made all three rounds with 30 seconds to spare of the 15-minute cut-off time. I cheated on the squat part on five reps of the last set of 20 until Sam yelled at me, and Spencer did, too. Hehe. Spencer came over and yelled motivating things--it really, really helped me get those last 10 thrusters. I don't know why, but those about killed me! I didn't feel too bad doing the burpees, although I do know I could/should have done more. My legs are already starting to feel tight, and I know they'll feel this WOD for several days. Sweet!! It will be a long week not being able to go to CFDC, but I'm eager to see what a week off does for my body. I'll be antsy as hell, but I'll have plenty of mental work to do with school. Anyway, time to shower and get an assignment done before I have to leave.

Tonight I'm going with a friend to see another friend in a play, Twelfth Night. The setting is New Orleans, and there is a Creole flavor to this version. It should be interesting! I'm going to get back rather late, though, so I'm going to go straight to bed when I get home and sleep as late as I can before I eat breakfast, put in more eyedrops, and get ready to go. I feel excited and just a tad bit anxious. I feel more relaxed from talking to Sandy about it than I would have if I didn't know someone who had just gotten it done. I am so grateful that she told me about her doctor and that I did not go to Dr. Boothe. It was funny--one of my friends asked me last week about who's doing my surgery, and I told him and told him about Sandy's unpleasant experiences with Dr. Boothe's office. He replied that he had talked to someone over there and that he definitely would not go to them to get it done LOL! My respect for this friend shot up after that!! I hope he calls the number I gave him and schedules the consultation. That was pretty much the final push to get the surgery scheduled for me. Hearing Shelly talk about all of the ins and outs and observing how truly knowledgeable and professional everyone was at this office gave me the confidence to take the plunge! I'm so excited to get my eyes fixed!!


  1. Your surgery will go fine tomorrow! Biggest thing, don't stress about it. Relax, take the ativan or valium or whatever it is they give you! And make sure you take good care of your eyes so we can see Harry Potter!! :)

  2. Thanks again for partnering with me! Let us know how your surgery goes as soon as you can!

  3. I agree, do not stress. You know it'll be awesome..just 20 minutes to get through. You'll sleep for a little bit..wake up..and have new eyes :-D Let us know it was when you get up tomorrow evening!

  4. Oh, and nice job on the WOD, haha.

  5. Thanks, girls!! I have been picturing the procedure, much as I do with WODs, and I think the Valium will help me, although I've read that taking that and Doxycycline together can cause dizziness, but I won't be driving until the next day, so I should be okay. Right? I quit taking the antibiotic because it was giving me heartburn and made me feel nauseous for the entire two weeks (-1 day) I've taken it. Ugh, I felt like I was preggers. LOL Anyway, I gotta do some school work and eat before I go in, so adieu!
