Monday, July 27, 2009

Crunch Time

Well, it is almost time to go to SC to see Kason graduate from ABT!!!!!!! It's hard to believe the end of July is almost here already, but looking back, there were times when I couldn't believe how slowly time seemed to creep by. And he called me twice today (I was CF'ing :( ) and told me he gets to come home a day early! Woohoo!!! Got my 50-page case study done this morning and have been trying to submit it, but it seems it's too big of a file. I e-mailed my professor to see how I should go about it.

Today's WOD was fun and challenging! Kat kept time for me, and I averaged 1:20-something. The damn straps on clapping push-ups and C2B pullups slowed me down. -_-

Pro Shuttle Interval

5 rounds, each for time:

30m pro shuttle
3 single-arm snatch (each arm), 45 pound dumbbell
5 clapping push-ups
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 box jumps, 30 inch box

I used a 20# dumbell for the snatches, blue straps for the push-ups, and a red strap for the C2B pullups. I should have used the medium box for box jumps, but I allowed myself to wuss out and use the baby box, plus Kat was too nervous about using the medium box. It was fun working out with her since I haven't seen her in so long. Was a good workout.

Well, time for my final project, then serious cleaning time!


  1. I am so glad you got your case study done! Woo hoo for Kason coming home a day early! Wonder how you will be spending that day! Hehe...

    Great job on this workout! I will have to work this into Kelsey and my rotation! What's the pro shuttle?

  2. Thanks, Amy! I'm excited!!!! :D

    The pro shuttle was just, you run to the middle cone (there were cones at the start, middle, and end), run back to the start cone, then run all the way to the end cone, and back to the start again. It's tough for me to make up the time it takes me to lean over and slap the ground! And those dang straps held me back, but it was still fun. Hope you enjoy doing this one with Kelsey!

  3. Will have to see if I can get her to run. Maybe substitue a row for 30 m?

  4. That would work...but it'll be tough getting in and out of the rower lol! Better than nothing though. Maybe...tuck jumps? :P

  5. How long of a break did y'all take between rounds?

  6. You take as long a break as it took you to complete the round. So for example, I completed a round in 1:16, so that means I rest for that long.
