Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday changes

Well, I was supposed to work with Dee's daughter this afternoon, but they can't make it, so I will take advantage of this "free" time to get my next week's assignments cranked out. I was going to go in to the gym to do skill work, but I seriously need the 2nd rest day--the aftereffects of Chelsea are making themselves known today! I will go to the morning WOD tomorrow and then just chill since I'll be getting home late from seeing a friend's play tomorrow evening. I should sleep in on Tuesday before my surgery. I had originally thought about going to the morning WOD on Tuesday, but it'll be better to rest up and be relaxed when I go in for LASIK. I can't believe the day is already almost here! It seems like just yesterday I was scheduling my consultation! It's going to be such a memorable day.

Well, back to the books and getting myself further ahead in my class. It's going to be a productive day.


  1. It would be a productive day if you would get off of facebook!

  2. I know, Amy, but I wanted to make sure we were going to see Harry Potter next week!!! I'm so excited about it. It looks like the director did a much better job this time. I HATED the last movie! I even walked out of it early, and I never do that when I see a movie, even when I saw FearDotCom (if you've never seen that, don't waste a second of your life on it!!!!). I remember hating the book for the longest time because of all the sad things that happen, but Rowlings redeemed herself to me in the last book. :) Those movies are going to be AWESOME! Anyway, I needed a distraction today. Kason called me and totally made my day. He gets to call me again and talk for longer tomorrow, too. :D I can't believe the time for him to return home is almost here already! Time has flown, but at the same time, June seemed to drag.

    Can't wait to see this movie and not have to to wear my glasses! YAY!!!!

  3. Yes, you have to rest up before Lasik! They tell you to get a good night's sleep before! :)

    Really wish I could go see Harry Potter with you girls, but I totally forgot I'm going to see NKOTB with a friend..not sure I'm excited about that, lol, oh well..

    Let me know if you need food or anything on Tuesday! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  4. If it is good Sandy, which is looks like it is going to be, I will go and see it with you again! The last one was good, but I think the 4th one was awesome! The 7th book, was AMAZING!

    Glad you got to talk to him! Get a good nights sleep tonight!

  5. Are you serious?!!! I loved NKOTB when they were brand new--I was in sixth grade then, and I was going to marry Jordan Knight LOL!!! Well, I hope you have fun, Sandy, at least silly fun. Where are they playing? Are we talking about New Kids on the Block...or? Haha, I'm kinda lost.

    It will be hard to sleep tonight!!! I will have to make myself, though. Hopefully I'll be tired out enough from the long drive to and from the play that I will konk out when I get home. YAY!!!
